Red Cabbage

Quick Overview

Beutifull red colour leaves with a great source of vitamin A, C , K and D.

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Red cabbage belongs to the group of vegetables like kale and Brussels sprouts. When you eat it raw, you will get a crunchy, peppery taste. But, it becomes softer and sweeter when you cook it. Buy these organic vegetables from us and enjoy the best of seasonal delights.


Nutritional Value
  • 12kcal / 49kj
  • 0.6g protein
  • 0.2g fat
  • 1.8g carbohydrate
  • 1.8g fiber
  • 104mg potassium
  • 25mcg folate
  • 26mg vitamin C


Health Benefits
  • Red cabbage’s beautiful colors are not only pleasant to the eyes, but they also contain a high amount of antioxidants. When you buy vegetables online you are getting better at anthocyanins, and other nutrients like vitamin C, E, and so on.
  • As per survey records, anthocyanins promote good cardiovascular health.
  • Sulforaphane is another key component of brassica vegetables like red cabbage. It might be responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties these green provide.
  • While there are no solid claims that a specific superfood helps to prevent cancer. It is seen that eating a healthy diet reduces your risk of getting the deadly disease. If you are considering a healthy diet, red cabbage can be a good option due to its anthocyanins and sulforaphane.
  • Including red cabbage in your diet always supports a good gut. It is a good source of fiber which is also prebiotic. It means that this type of fiber acts as a fuel source for good gut bacteria.

Additional information

Weight 0.025 kg


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