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What is the best time to eat chia seeds?

chia seeds

Chia seeds are edible seeds that have been recently highly popular in India. They are proven to be very nutritious and beneficial for the human body. 

They are abundant in antioxidants, therefore they protect our body against free radicals and from cancer, heart diseases, and some other diseases. They are also full of fiber, researches also say that all the carbs in chia seeds are the fiber that makes them perfect for people who are trying to lose weight. 

They are also known to be a supporter of smooth bowel movement and easy digestion. Along with all these benefits, chia seeds are full of healthy fats, protein, calcium, and certain vitamins. 

Now the most important question comes, what is the best time to eat chia seeds

Best time to eat chia seeds

Consumption of chia seeds in the morning especially on an empty stomach is considered to be the best time to consume them, as they increase the metabolism and support the digestion of every meal of the day.

However, some research also supports that eating them at night helps in providing a better sleep pattern. So it doesn’t matter what time you prefer to eat chia seeds, make a habit of adding them to your meal. 

Note: Since chia seeds are high in fiber, you should eat around 20 grams of chia seeds. 

Ways to consume chia seeds

There are many ways to consume chia seeds, you can be creative with seeds. The easiest way of eating them is by adding them to water and eating them directly.

  • Add chia to Juice- Another way to eat chia seeds daily is adding them to juice, you can soak these seeds into your everyday juice and eat them. 
  • Chia Pudding- You can also make chia pudding as a part of your meal, they are healthy, tasty, and keep you full for a longer time. 
  • Chia in smoothies/ truffle- Add chia seeds at the top of smoothies or truffle and make the taste even better. 

Should we order chia seeds online?

A short answer to this question is “Yes” and a long answer is “Yesssss”! 

You can anytime order chia seeds online and keep them stored at your home, along with chia seeds you can add pumpkin seeds or any other seeds. But yes you can order them online. 

Place your order now! 

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Frozen fruits Vs fresh fruits- Know the nutrients right.

Fresh & Frozen

It is a known fact that we should eat as many fruits and vegetables as we can adding them as a part of our daily diet. Fruits give us energy, they make us full for a longer time, make our skin bright and most importantly, fruits are a tasty way of eating healthy and right. 

But what if you love to eat some fruits all the seasons. You love their taste, you want to drink their smoothie or your taste bud are continuously craving for them. 

This is the time when frozen fruits jump in. Frozen fruits come in the picture with their tremendously high shelf life. You can preserve them at your home and eat them whenever you want. 

Going frozen gives you a chance to enjoy your berries and mangoes even during winters and to have a flavour of all the fruits attached to your tongue in summers.

Isn’t it wonderful! 

So for the matter of fact, now we know that frozen fruits not only provide us convenience of not shopping daily but also give us a taste that we crave for. 

There are some questions that people wonder about frozen fruits and the most common question that comes is, “Do they have equal amounts of nutrients”? 

Nutrient quantity in Frozen Fruits Vs Fresh Fruits

Mostly frozen fruits have equal amounts of nutrients as compared to the fresh one’s. Especially carbohydrates, minerals, protein and fiber percentage remains the same, there could be a difference in phytonutrients and vitamins that could come due to freezing and packaging. 

There are some chances of losing water soluble vitamins like vitamin C. However, some of the studies also suggest that some fruits retain more nutrients when frozen as compared to eating raw. 

Is it safe to order frozen fruits online? 

Another question that we often hear is “does ordering frozen fruits online safe” as many people believe that they are inferior to fresh fruits. 

So here is the answer, yes it is a 100% safe and healthy option to opt. As many households prefer to add frozen corn, peas and fruits for daily use. Companies have developed with amazing options that provide you door to door services. 

So now you can just place your order for frozen fruits online and stop worrying about everything else. 

Benefits of eating frozen fruits

As mentioned in the beginning of this article eating fruits have a lot of benefits and most of us are aware about them. 

But this is the time to specially mark the benefits of adding frozen fruits to your diet and to give you reasons for buying them more. 

  1. Since frozen fruits are generally picked at peak ripeness, they are believed to be high with nutrition value. 
  2. They give you equal creative options to eat, just like a fresh one. For example, you can eat them raw, add them to your salads as dressing, make smoothies, shakes, etc. 
  3. They provide ease to buy and preserve, as they come with a high shelf life, you do not need to buy them again every day. You can simply keep them preserved at your home. 
  4. They are highly delicious and you do not need to peel or make any preparation before using them.

Take away 

This article gives you all the reasons to buy and eat frozen fruits. So next time you feel like eating fruits, no need to rush to the market. All you need to do is open your refrigerator and choose the fruit of your choice.  

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This will happen if you eat dates daily.

Dates image

A fruit which is sweet in taste and can make you feel the fibrous taste just by grabbing the very first bite of it. 

But what happens if we eat it daily?

In this article, we will not only discuss what will happen when you eat dates daily but will also know the right quantity of dates that you should eat.

So if you are a date lover, this is everything that you are looking for, and once you know the benefits. I know you will directly jump to add them to your everyday routine. 

Let’s start with knowing the benefits of dates. 

How dates helps our health

Dates have many health benefits starting from maintaining the cholesterol level to increasing the immunity of the body. 

  • Helps in lowering cholesterol level- In a world full of tasty and junk food options everywhere, it is high time to take care of our body internally. The cholesterol level of the population is increasing day by day and even if it isn’t, there is no harm in taking preventive measures. Right?
  • Rich in antioxidants- Dates are found to be extremely high in antioxidants that help in removing the free radicals from the cells and therefore preventing the body from cancer and certain heart diseases.
  • Make bones stronger- Copper, magnesium, and selenium present in dates help the bones to stay away from any bone-related disorders. Plus dates are abundant with vitamin K that helps in the coagulation of blood and metabolize the bones. 
  • Decreases the chances of diabetes- Diabetes is one of the most common diseases that can be in a huge population of India. According to recent research by WHO it is found that 72.96 million people are currently found to be Diabetic. And eating dates daily can help you decrease the chances of diabetes by reducing blood sugar and fat levels.
  • Helps skin to glow-  Who does not wish to have glowing skin? Everyone wants it, and vitamin C is all your skin is asking for to maintain elasticity and smoothness. Dates not only help you to get glowing skin but also hold some anti-aging properties, helping you stay young.

There are many more benefits of eating dates daily, like they help in lowering the sugar craving, supports in weight loss and also helps in improving digestion.

But how many dates should we consume daily?

It is equally important to know the right amount of date consumption as eating more than required may have some negative impacts too.

You can have 4-5 dates every day, but eating more can make you gain weight, rather than losing it.

The final notes

You can eat fresh dates or dried ones according to your own taste and preference, both of them have the same nutrient quantity. However, dried dates are more convenient to store as compared to fresh once and they have a higher shelf life. 

No matter which dates you prefer, make a habit of making them a part of your everyday diet. 
So buy dates today and keep your home stock up for long! 


Be Santa to your Parents with Supple Agro Microgreens


I remember how I used to sleep on Christmas eve imagining all the stories I read and heard about Santa and always believed that he would come. 

Next morning the chocolates near my pillow made me accept that all of my imaginations were real, Santa exits and so does all the magical powers. 

However, growing up taught me, “the real Santa of my life has always been my parents”. They have been by my side, surprising me, and making me smile. That too not only on Christmas but all year long.  

So let’s dedicate this day to the real Santas of all our lives.  

How to do that?

In the practical world if we ask, “what do our parents adore the most?”, the perfect answer to that would be “glowing smiles on our faces”. Let’s go a step further and gift them something that can help their health to glow for a longer time. 

So we have created a hamper, exclusively for parents, and considering the pandemic going on. 

Trust us they are going to love it!!! 

All about the Christmas Hamper! 

Since this blog is less about me and more about the hamper, so let’s get our priorities straight. Here are the products that we will be adding to the hamper.

To make my statement more promising (well! I said I’ll take it straight), have added the benefits of each product on the hamper so that you not only know it is healthy but also know in what ways. 

Portobello mushroom

Portobello mushrooms are also known as the “Nutritional powerhouse” which you can add to salads, sandwiches, or any of your meals.

Apart from low in calories, they have low fat and sodium too. They provide antioxidants that protect our body’s cells from damage caused by free radicals. 

Also, portobello mushrooms are an amazing source of riboflavin, vitamin B which is important for energy and growth. 


Another product directly from our farm to hamper is the sage leaves. It is a healthy blast of vitamins and minerals.

To be more specific, let me tell you “a small amount of sage carries 10% of daily vitamin K needs”. It also contains magnesium, zinc, copper, and vitamins A, C, and E.

So isn’t it truly a blast of health.


Rosemary is a marvelous source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which helps to encourage the immune system and improve blood circulation.

It also serves in improving digestion and supports memory and concentration. Some researchers have indicated that rosemary may significantly help prevent brain aging.

Thai Basil and Red basil

As we know basil fortifies the digestive and nervous system. They are also known as a good remedy for headaches and insomnia. 

The strong anti-inflammatory properties can prove to be a cure to a variety of diseases and disorders like fever, headache, sore throat, cold, cough, flu. 

They have a powerful property to cleanse the skin, within.


Cranberries are known as a superfood for their health-boosting benefits. They are proven to guard against liver disease, Lower blood pressure, improve eyesight, and cardiovascular health.

Philadelphia Cheese

Everyone loves cheese and also the smile that comes once we say it, just “cheese”. 

But do you know, these are a good source of vitamins and an instant energy source with so many flavors.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts boast high levels of nutrients and have been associated with numerous health benefits.

Brussels sprouts are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals (what else do you need, if trying to lose weight). They contain kaempferol, an antioxidant that may reduce cancer growth, decrease inflammation, and promote heart health.


The drinks that will be an add on to your highly nutritive hamper. Kombucha can be an alternative to the evening tea or coffee.

So now you can consider a healthier option to not only eat but drink too. We have varieties of kombucha drinks and they are all beneficial in their own ways.


Here are the healthy, tasty, and crunchy snack options that will make your hamper feel complete. The cornitos definitely goes amazingly well with every option. 

So you dont have to worry about pairing it up you can add it to any meal or eat when you feel like snacking. 

Take Away

Also to add on, you will get an exclusive note with customized names on it. Plus our packing is worth considering. So place your order today and surprise your parents, well you can also let us surprise you.

Hey buddy, Supple Agro family wishes you and your family “Merry Christmas”!!!!! 

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This is how we want to thank you, hold on there is a gift inside.


This year is all about celebrating festivals in a different way. 

Just like the way we celebrated Diwali 2020, let’s get ready for upcoming festivals. Yes, I am talking about Thanksgiving, Christmas eve, and New year!!

The year 2020 has been full of unforeseen things, so it’s our time to celebrate a new beginning and hope for the coming year to be the best. 

With this positivity in our soul let’s thank god for all the blessings he bestowed upon us, for keeping us safe in these hard times, and celebrate all the coming season with more glow on our skin and one tone brighter shine in our eyes. 

Since we cannot go out, let’s invite happiness to our house and become the chef of our homes. 

With these handlicking thanksgiving recipes 

Hey get ready with your pen and paper in hand and drop down the list of ingredients you need. You can also directly order by clicking the links below. We are more than excited to deliver at your doorstep.

Cranberry Sauce with Orange

For how many people

8 to 10 servings

Give it some time

3 to 4 hours (isn’t it a lot?? But you can multitask)

What you need
Follow the steps and be a chef
  • First, you have to put the cranberries into a 5 to 8 Quart cooker. 
  • Now take around 3/4 cup of the berries and chop. 
  • You need to add sugar, ruby port, and half of the orange zest into the cooker (stir them). 
  • Add just a pinch of salt (make sure, only a pinch). 
  • Cover and cook for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • Now open the cap, stir the cranberry sauce, and set the lid back on the cooker in a way that there is around a 2-inch gap, to allow for evaporation. 
  • Cook on high for another 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours, stirring at least twice, taking care around the edges until many of the berries have popped and the sauce has thickened and is syrupy. (This is a lot to ask for?? But working making.)
  • Stir in the reserved chopped cranberries and the remaining orange zest. 

Spoon the cranberry sauce into a serving bowl, cover, and chill in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

(Get ready, show your glamour and serve with your beautiful spark!!)

Creamed Corn

For how many?

4 servings

How long?

20 minutes

What you need
  • ¼ cup freshly grated gouda cheese
    200g corn  (you can use any corn)
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
Follow the steps to be a chef
  • Rub corn kernels from cobs, running knife edge along cobs to squeeze out juices.
  • Set a medium saucepan over medium heat. Lose in butter and melt until foamy. Add corn, garlic, and juices. 
  • Season with salt and make it tender. 
  • Add milk and simmer until milk is almost dried. Now, pour in the cream and simmer for 5 minutes. 
  • Finally taste and adjust seasoning.

(You are all set with the creamy corn dish)

Cranberry-Orange Relish

People to be served

8 servings

It will take only 

5 minutes

What you need
Follow the steps to be a chef
  • Place all the ingredients in a food processor and pulse, then blend until you get a uniform, very finely chopped mixture with a crunchy texture. 

(So it is all up to you, you can make it as crispier and crunchier as you want.)

Roasted Carrots

You can share with

Six people

Time you need 

About 1 hour

What you need
Follow the steps to be a chef
  • Peel or cut the carrots lengthwise depending on the size, then into 2-inch lengths
  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. 
  • Oil a sheet pan or a baking dish large enough to fit all of the carrots in a single layer.
  • Place the carrots in a large bowl, and toss with the olive oil, salt, pepper, thyme and oregano.
  • Spread in an even layer in the prepared pan or baking dish. Cover with foil, and place in the oven for 30 minutes. 
  • Now uncover, and if the carrots are not yet tender, turn the heat down to 375 degrees and return to the oven for 10 to 15 more minutes until tender. 

Add the parsley, stir gently, and taste and adjust salt and pepper. Serve hot, warm, or at room temperature.

Cheesecake brownies

Total portions at once

12 servings

Preparation time

50 mints

What you need
  • 125 g butter
  • 125 g dark chocolate, chopped
  • 200 g brown sugar
  • 3 x eggs, lightly beaten
  • 50 g plain flour
  • 50 g cocoa powder
  • 0.25 tsp baking powder
  • 180 g Philadelphia Light
  • 40 g caster sugar
Follow the steps to be a chef
  • Start with combining butter, chocolate and brown sugar in a medium saucepan and stir over medium heat until the chocolate and butter have melted. Remove from the heat and whisk in the eggs.
  • Now add flour, cocoa and baking powder and stir until well combined. Pour into a greased and lined 18 cm x 28 cm rectangular tin.
  • Beat Philadelphia and caster sugar until smooth and creamy. Spoon randomly over chocolate mixture and swirl with the tip of a knife. 
  • Bake at 180 °C, Gas Mark 4 for 35-40 minutes or until cooked through. Allow to cool before cutting into squares.

Take Away

Celebrate every day like festivals with these amazing recipes, we do have “do it yourself boxes” of stir fry mix, pasta mix kit, mix herbs kit, thai mix kit through which you can directly cook many alluring dishes at one go.

So stop thinking and start cooking. Bring out the baby chef which is inside you and do not forget to share the pictures with us.

And yes, about the gift. So since you reached here and we are so delighted to find a reader like you, here is your special discount on all our products.

Choose the products of your choice and use code “SPECIAL10” to avail your gift. 

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Searching for a perfect gift? This is where you will find it.

Microgreens gift hamper

The world is going through a difficult time. Though people have started following the new normal yet conditions are not really normal.

So Diwali could be a time when you can actually highlight your love for family and support your employees with motivation plus immunity. 

Thinking how could that possibly be done? 

Finding the right gift for anyone is one of the most difficult tasks. Especially when it comes to people who are often around you. 

All you wish is to see their smiling faces and shining eyes.

And because we understand that, therefore we have created some amazing hampers that will definitely make your loved ones say “Aww, why do you care so much?”.

We not only provide you the chance of making your family and employees smile but also encourage their internal glow and immunity. 

And what we have for that? 

1. Timeless Gift Hamper

A hamper that seems sophisticated and feels lively.

You can anytime order and enjoy the tongue holding taste of the juiciest variety of fruits like Shimla Apple and Red Grapes with the spicy taste of cornitos.

To complete the entire experience and to make you desire it for longer we have added different seeds to it.

The package feels complete satisfaction, with so much love, care, and those cute ribbons wishing your words. You can gift it to your friends, colleagues, employees, and family. 

Timeless Gift Hamper

2. Divine Gift Hamper

A newly created hamper with one of our recently launched drinks. The hamper gives you a feel to relax while watching your favorite movie.

All you have to think about is “selection of the right movie” because we have a healthy drink and snack ready for you.

Additionally, with this package, you get 4 different seeds free, which you can eat raw or add to your meals.

Where could you find a better deal than this, it’s all the healthy vibes that we spread.

What!! You don’t want it for yourself. That’s okay, you can anytime give this to your loved ones and ask them to rest for a while.

The products will be protected by a thick box with a beautiful ribbon and a personal note.

3. Medley Gift Hamper

For all the people who love to keep a complete stock at home. Well, a medley gift hamper is the best option for you.

Just because it is named as a gift hamper does not necessarily mean it is for others, I remember when I was a kid I used to buy gifts for others and keep it for myself (hahaha, that was real fun). This still makes me laugh!

For you, I want to remind you that you can buy a gift this Diwali for your own self. Can make your soul happy this time.

And if you want a gift for others, there could not be any other surprisingly amazing hamper with varieties of products like  Malta, Kiwi, Grapes, Seeds, and Kombucha that are beautifully assembled in a box with a stylish ribbon.

4. Mix Salad Nachos Hamper

A combination that easily blends together and comes out as a mouth-watering recipe.

The hamper consists of 2 packets of quinoa cornitos nachos, 2 pumpkin seeds, Salsa 4 in 1, 1 mix salad, 1 curly parsley perfectly tied in a hamper. 

Making it an absolute option to give or keep in your dining area. You can use it as a starter or maybe as an alternative to your regular salad. 

So spice up your daily meals, by adding these attractive deals.

5. Extravaganza Fruit Basket

Make your walk-in, at every event even more delightful by holding a perfectly arranged and delicately sorted fruit baskets.

The basket consists of fruits like Pear, Green Apple, Kiwi, and fruits which are elegantly assembled in a basket with a classic ribbon.

It is definitely a graceful gift for your family, friends, or relatives at special moments like birthday, anniversary, Christmas, or any other celebrations.

And yes, your perfectly lined liner with that amazing party dress will surely go best with a fruit basket in your hand.

6. Ultimate Deluxe Fruit basket

A handy fruit basket to keep at the top of your dining table or to carry along.

It is a delicately selected assortment of fresh fruits that holds the most delicious kind of fruits like Pear, Kiwi Golden, Mango, and any other fruit of your choice that are superbly gathered in a basket with a charming ribbon.

Share this pretty gift with your family, buddies, or relatives at special times and keep the celebrations on.

7. Cheese and Bean Veggie Nachos Hamper

”Let’s keep it a little simple combo”. 
This is one of our combos that certainly speak up to bring smiles on faces that love cornitos and want to stay healthy. 

A perfect combination of Cornitos melange nachos 2 pack, Caesar salad  1, cornitos salsa 4 in 1 at one hamper.

I would call it a hamper that you would really want!

8. Delightful Fruit Basket

A carefully picked variety of unique fruits that contains the most sensational mixture like Pear, Kiwi Golden, Apple, and fruits that are excellently modeled in a basket with a precisely drafted ribbon.

It is a delicate and premium gift for loved ones.

9. Excellence Fruit Basket

Celebrate the intimacy of bonds with this colored fruit basket. For the people, who loved keeping the color of the thing related. As the name suggests it is clearly an excellent choice for fruit lovers.

The excellence fruit basket consists of fruits such as Melon, Blueberry, Apples, Pear, and you can anytime add any fruit of your choice. 

The fruits will be arranged in a basket decorated with ribbons and filled with our love.

10. Luxurious Indulgence Fruit Box

A box that makes you feel classic yet elegant. With lots of fruits perfectly arranged in a light green color box tied with a ribbon.

The box that will make you feel really special. No matter you are holding it as a gift or slaying it at your dining table. It will always go with the flow of your style.

The box consists of fruits like Malta, Apple, Grapes, and other fruits handled by a hardboard box excellently tied up by a beautiful ribbon.

11. Orchard’s Treasure Fruit Basket

The fruits like Pear, Apple, Kiwi, Malta, Red Globe Grapes, Langra Mango, and Pomegranate are arranged in a colorful basket tied with ribbon in a beautiful fashion. 

You can keep it at your dining area or gift it to family and friends.

12. Presidential Fruit Basket

Get a classic feel with our premium presidential basket at your home. A basket with premium fruits and amazing packaging decorated with ribbons wishing your smile.

The basket is full of fruits like Apple, Kiwi, Chausa Mango, Pomegranate, Cherry and some other fruits that are creatively assembled in a basket with a stylish ribbon.

Gift it to your friends or family and you will get to see their amazing smile. 

13. Season’s Relish Gift Hamper

A hamper with season’s real fruits, two jars of seeds and one kombucha drink. The hamper that makes you feel fresh inside out. It is created to be carried in a very convenient manner wrapped with ribbons all around.

14. Seeds Combo Pack

For the seed lovers who love adding seeds to almost everything they eat. This is one of our best saving packs where you get all the flavors of seeds at one go. 
There are three jars of seeds, you can choose them by yourself. Create your own package by selecting your favorite seeds.

Get them tied up with our special ribbons and carry it with you wherever you go.

15. Summer Delight Nachos Hamper

Simple and healthy hamper that consists of Mangoes 1 kg , Cornitos Peri-peri nachos 2 packets, Green Kiwi pack of 4 , Salsa Dip 4 in 1. 

All these products are kept together to build a perfect combination that you can arrange at your dining room or gift to family and friends.

Take away

All these hampers are exclusively created to offer you the best deals in our premium hampers.

Let me be simple and direct “these are our most selling and amazing offers, don’t miss them”.


Add nutrients to your meals with Supple Agro Seeds!

Can I get some extra???

With Supple Agro, you always can. 

“Just a little extra” can make most of us cheer up and bring a smile that we have been looking for.

Therefore, we have launched something that can add more nutrients to your already nutritious diet. 

Well, you know what I am speaking about. (hey!! Don’t be shy to read it aloud.) its Supple Agro Seeds with an amazing source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 

What are you waiting for, scroll, read, and order today. 

Let’s get started

Who doesn’t like to make food super alluring?
Nobody, I guess. 

But only a few know how to do that. 

So today I am revealing one of the biggest secrets to do so, come close and let me whisper… “It’s by adding your favorite seeds to any of your food”. 

Whaatttt!!! You didn’t know you could add seeds to almost every food. Btw adding a few candles will just blow the meal. 

Seeds not only make the food visibly attractive but also boost up its nutritive value. It’s like giving extra care to your loved one. 

Here are some seeds available at Supple Agro Microgreens, we have also marked the benefits so that you can flaunt what you eat! 

Raw pumpkin seeds

As the name suggests these are seeds extracted from pumpkin, which are naturally dried, and packed. 

Raw pumpkin seeds can be used for making different kinds of foods, soups, appetizers, etc.

Our aim is to give you a complete solution to live a better and healthier life through organic alternatives.

So what could be better than a boost of protein and iron.

Hey!!! Supple Agro Raw Pumpkin seeds are a tasty and crunchy treat, ideal for snacking or as a delicious addition to salads, homemade bread, snack mixes, and deserts.

Flax seeds

If High fibre is your priority and by any chance you missed it in any of your meals. Boom!! We have a solution. 

“Flax seeds” are amazingly rich in fibre and also contain essential fatty acids to take care of your immunity, liver, and heart.

Talking about our flax seeds, Supple Agro Flax Seed has a mild, nutty flavor similar to wheat germ, and it’s often added to cereals, pancakes, muffins, bread, meatloaf, meatballs, and even yogurt. 

Out of all the flax, Golden flax seeds are more flavorful. Always remember, due to its fiber content, flax seeds should be consumed with plenty of water. 

Raw sunflower seeds

Get the real taste of seeds as Raw sunflower seeds are unsalted and packed completely natural. Supple Agro Raw Sunflower seeds are jumbo, and unprocessed seeds, extracted from a sunflower in its pure form. 

Sunflower Seeds are a good source of fibre, and they offer a diverse profile of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E and magnesium.

The seeds can be eaten by the handful or used in recipes. They make an excellent addition to bread, cookies, salads, and more.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are one of the best-known plant sources of essential fatty acids accounting for almost two-thirds of Chia’s total fatty acid make-up. 

Chia Seeds are also an excellent source of fibre making it perfect for people who want to lose weight.

Supple Agro Black Chia seeds are a tasty treat with a mild flavor that can be consumed raw or added to many of your favorite recipes.

They’re also excellent toppings for salads, yogurts, puddings, and more. 

We provide you purely natural chia seeds which are a natural source of healthy fatty acids and an excellent source of fiber. 

Quinoa seeds

A complete package of whole grain, high protein & Good Source of fibre that makes a great substitute for rice, and is often used in soups, stews, and casseroles. 

The supple agro quinoa seed has a mild and delicate flavor that’s slightly nutty, making it a popular addition to many vegetarian recipes. 

But always remember to cook it a little! 

Preparation Instructions:

  1. Rinse quinoa in a fine-mesh strainer until water runs clear.
  2. Transfer rinsed quinoa with water or stock into a stockpot.
  3. Bring to boil, cover, and reduce heat for 15 minutes or until the water is absorbed.
  4. Remove from heat and set aside for 5 minutes.
  5. Fluff with a fork, stir in herbs and vegetables, serve and enjoy!

(**P.S. for 1 cup of quinoa you will need 2 cups of water or stock. Add chopped vegetables and herbs at the end of preparation.)

Wow! You reached here

Add any according to your taste and nutrient requirements, but all of them are definitely worth eating.

Order now, get delivered, and try with your family and friends today!!! 

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Why do we give the option “to buy online”


In this world of technological advancement where everyone runs towards finding the most convenient manner of getting work done. 
People still prefer to follow the traditional procedure for buying fruits & vegetables.

The reason is that most of us believe it as a way to get fresh and better options.

But the reality says “NO IT ISN’T”. In fact, ordering online fruits and vegetables is a much safer option!

Hard to believe?

Well! this article will make you do so. 

Okay! Let’s start the discussion

Online shopping is the trend these days and working professionals find it convenient. People residing in cities face increased traffic and cannot spend time shopping.

Therefore, almost every major city has started buying vegetables online. Since online shopping is a matter of minutes and at one’s fingertips, it can be considered beneficial for consumers.

There are several benefits to opt for fruits & vegetables online. So, let’s look at the key reasons that lead to buying them online. 

Ease to stay at home and relax

You can either go to the local market and carry the products or stay at home sitting on the sofa, order and receive it at the door of the house.

Not only your comfortability but purchasing directly from the producer is one of the best ways to benefit local or national producers and consumers.

Since it avoids a long chain of intermediaries that increases costs and reduces the quality of the fruit.

The quality and taste will also be superior and guaranteed.

Time is so important and we understand

In today’s hectic world we know time is extremely important.

Managing time for other trivial things becomes a burden, which is why shopping online seems like a more feasible option.

All your orders can be placed just by a touch of your fingertips, the time required is extremely less as compared to the traditional method.

Also, it can be considered super beneficial because it can save you precious time and you can shop 24×7.

Therefore, buying fruits and vegetables online can be more beneficial and less time-consuming.

Traffic makes you panic??? 

Getting stuck in traffic gets quite annoying and the desire to shop gradually decreases.

With the ease of buying online from the comfort of your home becomes a better option than any other.

In addition, pollution caused by traffic can contaminate food products, which does not happen in online purchases, since fruits and vegetables are well stored in the warehouse at low temperatures.

Woah!! Paying doesn’t hurt anymore

Let’s be frank, traditional shopping leaves you with a cash payment option most of the time with a lot of hassles.

But when buying online, there are multiple options, such as online payment, card payment, and cash on delivery, which are more appropriate for the customer.

In addition, online transactions are extremely secure with the help of SSL certification and confidential customer information is not misused.

Get invoices too

In the case of the traditional method, customers do not receive invoices for the products they buy.

The great advantage of buying fruits and vegetables online is that you can manage your bills and expenses.

You can print your invoice at any time and make recurring payments. There is no chance of your invoices getting lost as they are available anytime in printable format.

No more chik chik to bargain

Last but not least, shopping for food online allows you to buy fruits and vegetables at greatly reduced prices.

Various online retailers are making their way into the market and there is an aggressive price war among them. 

As a consumer, you would benefit from stiff competition, as most produce is fresh and readily available at your local fruit and vegetable vendor and in most cases cheaper than what they would offer you.

Add to this the convenience of being able to order from the comfort of your home or office and have it delivered to the door and the deal just gets bigger. Buying food products online has many more benefits to offer.

This is a new revolution that is sweeping India as we really savor the “fruits” of the digital world.

Look for varieties at one go! 

The world has become a smaller place with more trade between different countries. Browse the internet and you will find new fruits and vegetables that were unknown in the past and that are reaching the homes of India.

Be it Chinese cabbage, Japanese squash, or yellow zucchini, it will be a shop for all of these in your home.

Most of these items are not sold by fruit and vegetable vendors, as they are perceived as very expensive. All of these are rich in minerals and nutrients and promote the health of your family. You will easily find them in these online stores.

Receive all your orders at doorstep, for free

When you shop online, you can get free shipping benefits delivered right to your door if you meet the minimum requirements for free shipping. Companies have their own privacy policies that must be eligible for free shipping.

When you buy food products, you must complete the minimum requirement of the total quantity that is required to be eligible for free home delivery, which is not the case for traditional purchases.

And we end discussion here

In the modern world, almost every product available can be purchased online with the ease of your fingers

People are gradually relying on these online technologies and thus encouraging many startups to seek better ideas that can improve human life.

If you are still not assured of the convenience of online shopping, this experience will convince you!! 

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Want to keep fruits always around? Try fresh dried fruits.


Finding happiness sometimes is so easy.

If you are rolling your eyes to find your smile, let me reveal the secret of happiness in just one go. 

I am speaking about lots of health in your hand with Supple Agro Fresh Dried Fruits. 

Whhaaat! it did not make you happy. 

Read the details and you will truly dance by knowing how amazingly it contributes to your fitness. 


The concept of dried fruits originated with the idea of using fruits as snacks and keeping them preserved for a longer run. 

Later the idea was perfectly accepted by the high-class population and dried fruits turned to be a symbol of elegance. However, in today’s scenario, dried fruits are more into solving the problem of convenience and health. 

It is a perfect alternative for people who prefer healthy eating in a handy way. You can just buy dried fruits, eat and preserve them for a really long time.  

Moreover, dried fruits consist of equal nutritive value as compared to fresh fruits and sometimes even have more fiber contributing support to your digestive system.

For the people who are fitness enthusiasts, dried fresh fruits are a surprisingly healthy snack option. 

Will dried fruits make you fat?

Are you among the people who avoid eating dried fruits because of the belief that it will make you fat? 

Well, even if you are, then you are soo close to the answer you want to hear, and add another snack to your flawlessly created “healthy snack list”. 

Yes! you are assuming it right. Dried fruits never make you fat. Unless they do not have added sugar. 

And Supple Agro Microgreens make it in the most natural way thriving the original sweetness of the fruit. 

(Note: Since dried fruits have zero percent water content, they are really light. We always prefer to eat as per the recommended servings.) 

Supple Agro Dried Fruits 

Congratulations! You have finally reached the point where you will unlock the complete details of all our dried fruits and their benefits. 

So hold your coffee mug tight and start scrolling your eyes! 

1. Dried Pineapple Coin

A fresh and chewy snack with a bursting flavor of pineapple. You can make it your to-go snack as it doesn’t require a refrigerator for preservation.

Supple Agro Dried Pineapple is fresh & chewy. It is hand-selected from the coastal beaches of Thailand, bursting with flavor and yes no added sugar.

Dried pineapple is a great snack that gives you the convenience of carrying along. You can use it on family occasions proffering health, happiness, and class at your house parties.

You can enjoy this tasty treat at home, in the office, or on the go!

Made up of!

Dried Pineapple (product of Thailand), Acidity regulator (citric acid), preservative (sodium metabisulfite). 

2. Dried blueberries

Blueberries are absolute love, but they have a low shelf life!  

What if I say, “you can now always have them with you”.

Oh of course you know-how, in a dried way. With the same nutritive value and no artificial sweeteners added. 

A perfect option to reduce stress and anxiety, enhance mood, improve memory, and to protect against heart diseases. 

Talking about the taste, Supple Agro’s whole dried blueberries are plump, sweet, and full of flavor.

Now you can enjoy your hot or cold cereals more, toss in salads, or mix with cakes. Even if you want it raw, it is an imperative choice. 

Made up of! 

Dried Blueberry, sunflower oil, and sugar.

3. Dried Cranberries

Cranberries have always been in high demand due to the presence of high fiber content, its ability to be amazingly rich in antioxidants, and the power of protecting teeth.

So to always keep you close with this wonderful fruit we extracted the moisture content and increased the shelf life. 

Supple agro cranberries are the perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess. A delicious and easy option to sprinkle on salad, add to the favorite course, or simply enjoy as a snack. 

No matter how you eat them, you’ll be amazed to know that our Cranberries are of the utmost premium quality. 

Just one bite and you’ll never settle for anything less.

Supple agro dried cranberries are truly loved by all age groups, especially kids, for their sweet and tangy flavor which can be used as a replacement for unhealthy toffees and chocolates for a higher source of vitamins and energy.

Made up of! 

Dried Cranberries and sunflower oil.

4. Dried mix berries

The combination that you have been searching for! 

With dried mix berries we give a combo of all the berries in one pack. So now you don’t have to be confused or think twice. Just grab a packet of our dried mix berries and feel the taste. 

With this pack, you get to feel the essence of our premium hand picked dry fruits. We never compromise on quality, right from sorting till packaging. 

Made up of!

Dried Cranberries, Dried strawberries, dried raspberries, dried blueberries, and sunflower oil.

5. Dried Kiwi

Kiwi resembles cuteness to me, full of dietary fiber, rich in vitamin & protein. 

What else could you possibly look for in a fruit? 

Supple agro-dried kiwi not only gives you the delicious sweet and slightly tangy taste. It also provides you a complete touch of care. It supports your immunity, boosts up your digestion, and makes your skin glow. 

They are simply ready to eat and you can sometimes add chocolate too, as a treat! 

Made up of!

Dried Kiwi (Product of Thailand), Acidity regulator (citric acid), preservative (sodium metabisulfite).

6. Dried Mango

Who doesn’t love “the king of fruits”. 

Nobody, we believe. So keeping it around was our responsibility.

Therefore we came up with a solution to increase the shelf life of mango so that you can always have something which is naturally sweet, a spectacular source of vitamin C and calcium. 

Supple agro dried mango provides you the real taste of mango and nutrients that you keep searching for in fresh mango slices. 

Our dried mango is rich in vitamin A, B- complex vitamins, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. 

You can consume it directly as a snack or keep it on the jar to flaunt on occasions. 

Made up of! 

Dried mango (Product of Thailand), Acidity regulator (citric acid), preservative (sodium metabisulfite). 

7. Dried Strawberries 

Just a look at strawberries can make you feel that this fruit is good for you. Be it the color, texture, or appearance. Strawberries never fail to amaze you.

And now you can keep them with you for a longer period of time in a dried form. You can use them as an add-on to your cereals, muesli, or just keep it along with your salad. It is good to go with all your meals. 

It is a snack for all your occasions, enjoy it for yourself or share it with your friends. 

Made up of! 

Dried strawberries (Product of Thailand), Acidity regulator (citric acid), preservative (sodium metabisulfite).

8. Mix seeds and berries

The combination of seeds and berries gives you a classic result to enjoy. This mixture combines sunflower seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, dried blueberry, and dried cranberries. 

An eternal mix of natural healthy seeds with wondrous health benefits of berries which is crunchy, tasty, and healthy. So give your taste buds an awesome punch of flavor and your tummy a boost of health.

Most of the time it is consumed as a healthy post-workout snack, party snack, just box it and bring to the office, you can also make it your travel buddy.

You can try it anytime, anywhere, and with anyone.

Take Away

All these dried fruits have extensive benefits ranging from high fiber and highly nutritive.

However, something which is truly a take away is “for a natural taste and optimum freshness, always keep them refrigerated (other than dried pineapple) and airtight. Never freeze and make sure to avoid direct sunlight. 

We wish you happy and healthy eating!


“Microgreens Kombucha drinks”, drink to make your health chill!

Kombucha drink

Looking at drinks makes everyone trusty and happy but at the same time reminds them that it is full of sugar and calories. 

Numerous articles and researches also unveil how most of the drinks lead to obesity and to several cardiovascular diseases.  Not only the carbonated drinks but also most of the packed juices that promise a lot of health advantages are not serving the purpose. 

The reason for it is a high temperature, as during the preservation and packaging process the fruit juices undergo pasteurization heat treatment to kill pathogens but the treatment also destroys the fruitful enzymes in the juice. 

However, going out to buy fresh juice everyday or making them at home is a real task! 

Therefore, microgreens have launched flavors that are healthy, handmade, and freshly delivered at your doorstep. 


Let me give you an introduction, “we call our kombucha artisanal” as we prepare them in small batches.

Also “each batch has an amazing specialty and a cute story”.

The ingredients used in making kombucha are organic kombucha culture water, organic black tea extracts, organic brown sugar which are infused with real fruits, herbs and flowers from our farms.

Yum yum, isn’t it? 

Not only the taste we take care of your health too, so all these drinks are vegan, gluten-free, low in sugar, and probiotic-rich.

(Making it a dream come true for fitness enthusiasts)

All the flavors 

We have launched 4 flavors and the response looks pretty astounding. So we thought to reveal the details of how these drinks will not only make you happy but also contribute to your health in their own magical way. 

1. Ginger and lemon 

Following the situation that the world is fighting with, we created a variation with kombucha drinks. 

“kombucha” which is always naturally effervescent, with the presence of vitamins and antioxidant-rich probiotic tea brewed by organic black tea, procured from Meghalaya’s.


Is now flavored with our farm fresh ginger and imported lemons making it rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, developed to cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system.

Drinking it daily will not only make you feel fresh but will also help you to grow your immunity. 

2. Blueberry and kaffir lime 

Out of all the berries, most people prefer blueberries because of its tremendous health benefits and delicious taste.

As we know the kombucha is naturally vivacious and consists of a high nutritional value so let’s directly switch to the benefits of combining it with blueberry and kaffir lime. 

The combination directly works for boosting immunity, reducing the risk of heart diseases, and detoxifying the blood.


Making it a drink that provides prosperity to your tummy and comfort to your health. 

3. Edible flowers 

Another lethal combination that comes to this queue is kombucha with our farm fresh hibiscus flowers.

These flowers are packed with antioxidants and help in lower blood pressure, boost liver health, and promotes weight loss.


Making it a choice for every age group.

4. Blueberry 

The demands of blueberries forced us to create a combination of kombucha with our farm fresh imported blueberries.

The combination is a marvelous source of antioxidants that helps in boosting immunity, boost brain health, reduces the risk of heart diseases, good sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.


They not only taste the best but serve all the expectations of a healthy body that you have been looking for. 

Best Seller Kombucha Pack

To make your job easy of search and then order, we did our homework and analyzed some of our best sellers that may suit you too. 

1. A combination of our top selling kombucha flavors

1 Blueberry + 1 blueberry kaffir lime + 1 edible flower + 1 ginger lemon 


Most of the people prefer trying one pack of each so we created a combo pack to provide you all our drinks for the best possible price.  

2. Gut Health Pack 

As the name suggests it is a combination for your gut boosting that helps in improving your digestion. 


The combo pack consists of  2 ginger lemon + 2 blueberry kaffir lime

3. Weight loss pack 

A combination that is specifically designed for weight loss. It functions in treating the digestion issues and detoxifies the blood. The ginger-lime is used to enhance metabolism and bring a sparkling glow on your skin. 

The combo pack includes 2 edible flowers + 2 blueberries kaffir lime + 2 ginger lime  


So now stop drinking boring water, switch to this flavored probiotic kombucha for weight loss. 

4. Immunity pack 

One of the rearrest combinations that particularly look into boosting the immunity. As a pure blueberry blend is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber and ginger lemon is good for heart, cold, and flu.

The combination combines 2 blueberries + 2 ginger lemon. 


Things to note

  • Supple Agro kombucha must be stored in the fridge. They have a three-month shelf life unopened. Once opened it’s good in the fridge for two days. 
  • With the bottle size of 250ml (you can alone finish this at one go!) 

Bottom Line 

The hunt for your all-time partner is over, you are just a click away to get all our drinks at your doorstep.

Order now!